Saturday, 17 April 2010

Back to Bloggin...

So I was Kontaining for a bit but it ain't as good. It's pretty, it's nice, but there's something about having my own design and domain that makes me feel a bit better about things.

So - what's been happening in the year and a bit that I've been incommunicado? Fuck loads! I've moved twice, had a REAL shitty relationship (that I'm thankfully out of as of September), saw Joe Rogan Live in Manchester (which was just frikkin' AWESOME!!) and more recently, decided to join a Martial Arts Instructors programme, or at least attempt to...will find out in the next few months if I'll be able to do it.

Anyways, think I'll be back on the Blogging tip from here on so expect more soon.

Oooh - Big Giant Happy Birthday to JoJo - Have an awesome day sis :)