Thursday, 10 February 2011
The crossroads of life
Do I turn left or do I turn right? Shall I go for it or just leave it? The answers are not always easy to come to terms with but I think we always know the correct path for us. Making a decision to that effect is not always the case though - how many times have you done one thing knowing good and god damn well you should have done another?
Now in some instances, I think we create many of these crossroads ourselves and then talk ourselves out of doing the right thing for us because we're not ready or just plain too weak to do it. And the issue with the weakness side of things is that we have it in us to do the right thing but we lie to ourselves, blame others or some other pathetic excuse and we stay on the path of least resistance because we can be such a woefully retarded species at times (and it's easier).
The point is this. Sometimes we make a decision about something and we know it's the wrong decision for us and carry on with it anyway. On occasion we're lucky enough to change our minds at the right moment and get back on a correct path. Other times, we go past the celestial point of no return and we're f**ked!
Me? I'm making a distinct effort to start doing the right things for me and making the right decisions when I'm at these crossroads. It's not always easy but thanks to the words of Mr Joey Diaz aka Joey "Coco" Diaz aka Mad Flavor aka Planet Rock - I've been inspired to take a better path with a firey determination that I've never felt before.
The only person that can get in your way is you. You can blame anyone you like but if your life is in a shit place - you and only you can make it better - and that my friends is what I call a bitch slap of truth!
Peace and love to you all
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Tuesday, 8 February 2011
After a while, it's not them - it's you!
This actually went on for years until a particular incident gave me the time and space to look at this relationship properly.
Now I should say that while I am evolving day to day, my evolution is far from complete and not at a stage where I'm able to rationalise these incidents in a timely manner (timely enough for my liking). So, when given the opportunity to look at this relationship properly, I had realised how things were for so long and automatically opted to play the blame game in so much as to make attempts to rationalise why this person would not listen. I'd repeatedly asked this person to stop doing these things and still they continued to do them. Why?!?!
Eventually I came to the following conclusion. It was all down to me. I'm not saying that I encouraged the behaviour in any way but I realise that I was probably more at fault than they were in a sense. Who am I to tell someone "stop being who you are to suit me!!"? No one has that right, least of all me, yet I find we do it in all forms of relationships.
We all have an ideal for the types of people that we would like in our lives and the universe will put a varied spectrum of people in your path over time and some of those people will become our friends. They tick enough of the criteria to make it into our circle and on occasion we opt to "trim the fat". Stop doing this, don't do that, be more like this, act more like that!
The point is, it's all our own choice. It's our choice to become friends with someone and if that person does things that you don't agree with, it's our choice to either accept them for who they are and the things they do or not.
The same way no one has any place to tell me who or how I should be, I have no place telling anyone who or how they should be. It is not for us to change the things we don't like about people but to make a decision based on the simplest of questions.
Are we willing to accept this person as they are?
I think full and unequivocal acceptance is the only way to do it. The alternative leaves the possibility of finding yourself in a place where all of the good things that a person has done are heavily overshadowed by our focus on the things about this person that make us unhappy. I feel this does not honour the good times shared and the relationship because our focus and final memories are of why everything went so horribly wrong.
Surely there must be a way to part ways without everything being such a conflict? To be able to say "OK, so things didn't work out - but that's cool".
Maybe it just gets more difficult the more time we allow to pass? Maybe our failure to nip it all in the bud in a timely fashion causes us to become more emotionally involved so that when things do go wrong, we're left with a feeling of emptiness representing the other party. That leaves us with our first (and unnecessary) port of call for rationalisation - "where should the blame be placed?" as opposed to saying "this just wasn't meant to be".
Until the next post...
Peace and Love
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