One of the things that seems to have been an occurring theme of late is the fact that everyone see's things differently. I know what you're thinking "Excellent way to state the obvious" - but is it that obvious?
Most of us have (and in most cases need) "truths" in our life to help guide us. Anything that opposes that truth is generally seen as a falsehood, bad, negative and ultimately incorrect or wrong. But why does it have to be incorrect? Why can it not just be, another way?
For some, God Exists, Christianity is the answer, The bible makes perfect sense and when you die - you'll go to either Heaven or Hell. For others, there is no God, Christianity and all other religions are stupid, the bible makes no sense and when you die - that's it.
Who out of the aforementioned pair is correct is not the concern here. What is the concern is how those people choose to interact with others based on the things they believe to be true. For example, overhearing a friends phone conversation recently, it appeared that they had said something to someone in what they felt was a jovial manner but was taken offensively by the other party. The initial reaction seemed to be (and I've seen this with a lot of people as well as doing it myself) "I was only joking...don't take things so seriously!". The "truths" for both people were different. One believed that making jokes in certain situations was perfectly acceptable while the other thought it was not. Neither were correct, neither were incorrect - however both saw the other as being incorrect in their thought process without attempting to see each others point of view.
Sometimes there needs to be an understanding that your world and the things in it that you know to be true are not that way for everyone. What one person finds funny, another will find offensive and vice versa.
Figuring out a path that works for you is merely that - a path that works for you. This does not negate the fact that this could very well work for someone else but also doesn't mean that you have things "figured out". You've just figured out something that works for you. Someone following a different path is not on an incorrect or correct path, just a path that they are on based on the things in life they have figured out - for them.
As much as your life rocks and the things you do fill you with positive energy, There's someone out there that given the same routine - would see the entire situation as noting but suck!
Until the next post
Peace and Love