Apparently - 49% of techies fall asleep on the Job. Excuse me for saying so but what a loada shite!! Unless you're some dude in a server room on his jack all day with nish to ain't gonna happen! Most offices are "open plan" these days anyway so where on earth we'd find the time to nap is beyond me!
Meanwhile - It looks like I won't be getting an iPhone afterall. I was checking out this article on the BBC news web site and it seems Apple have released an update that will disable relevant communication features on the phone if it has been unlocked! Selfish set of bastards!! My opinion? This gives Microsoft a chance to shine with something equally as good and that works on ALL networks...they'll earn brownie points for that one.
Finally...while I'm getting into this whole "blogging thing" and while I'm a very big fan of Google (they make nice stuff!) - I want a propod!!! It's a flash blog basically....looks well nice and was developed by the 1st inductees to the FWA hall of fame - Fantasy Interactive. I'm on the list for Beta testing and Think Swedish (what I think the propod will look like) looks well I want!! I want!!
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