Well, the weekend was actually pretty cool. Had some friends up from Birmingham and spent the weekend chilled as anything. Barely did a thing apart from chill out and listen to a shed load of Neo Soul which I'm so getting addicted to of late (Big thanks to Josi for hooking me up with the names of all those artists).
Meanwhile, REALLY looking forward to UFC 81 this weekend. Living in the UK we end up seeing it a day later than the live event, so Sunday's the day where I get to see Brock Lesnar receive some whoop ass from Frank Mir. I ain't a fan of Brock for a few reasons.
1. He's a former WWE wrestler for crying out loud.
2. He's been talking way too much smack for someone with a 1-0 record!
Now I know he's a former NCAA champ and is meant to be "hot shit" when it comes to Collegiate wrestling. I'm also aware of the fact that many of the best MMA fighters in the UFC were former wrestlers (Randy Couture, Matt Hughes, Rampage Jackson). With all that being said and having seen his debut MMA bout (I was not impressed), I gotta say I'm looking forward to him getting his ass beat down! The thing that done it for me was seeing him talk smack about Tim Silvia and Randy Couture. He says something like "Tim Silvia lets a guy half his size do that to him". I got a few things to say about that...the size of you or your opponent don't matter a lick! It's skill and not strength that matter in MMA which has been proved many times. Also, Tim Silvia has been doing MMA professionally for some years and Randy Couture even longer - both of which having a number of accomplishments in the field where Brock has...hold on..let me count all of these....carry the 2...NONE! Just gives the impression that he has no clue what he's on about and it'll make his defeat all that much sweeter.