Monday, 17 March 2008

Belated Happy Birthday and my ridiculously priced book

So, was a friends birthday a couple of weeks back and didn't feel right calling her but still wanted to say Happy Birthday in some way, shape or - Paulette - Happy Birthday! I didn't forget.

Meanwhile, my "A year in the life" book arrived today. UFC are doing a special run of 500 of these bad boys so decided to score me a copy. Now this is not the 1st thing I've purchased from the UFC store. Got my Octogan Necklace from there too and all went well with that so I figured this should be the same. Now, the book itself is pretty much a picture book with photos from the best fights of 2007. It's nicely bound, looks cool and for a book - weighs a ton. Here is where the problem comes in. Go to the UFC store and the book is down as $50 (£25). Add another $20 for carriage (£10) and thats not a bad score at $70 (£35). Now here is where the b*tch comes in - I had to pay frieght and duty on this bad boy which cost £67 ($134)! So I am now the proud owner of a book that cost me £102 ($204)! 3 words jump to mind at a time like this....WHAT THE HELL??!!!