OK - those who know me will be aware of the fact that I'm not exactly "heavy set". I'm exactly 6ft and used to weigh 59 kilos/130 lbs / 9.3 stone (nope - not an eating disorder - but a metabolism that's so fast I feel like I'm going back in time!)
I'm close to 70 kilos/154 lbs / 11 stone now (and on the up) but it's not been without hard work! Anyway, all I ever see are articles about losing weight - "oooh the obesity problem" and blah blah blah. No one ever mentions a thing about people like me...the kinda guy who can eat whatever and never gain weight - and even though we're not overweight, the fact that we can eat crap and never see it in terms of rolls appearing around the mid-region, chin etc does not equate to being healthy.
Either way - I've made a decision to write a series of articles about gaining weight (I've been working on it for long enough) in an attempt to help what would appear to be "the minority" (fear not fellow thin people - I know your pain). I know there are people out there who are overweight who would dream of being able to eat anything and never put on weight but it's not a barrel of laughs for us either you know - especially if you're male (does nothing for your confidence for a start!).
So that was the intro - I'll be adding more articles relating to how I've managed to gain weight and "spreading the knowledge" that I've acquired over the years in my quest. I'll go over everything that works for me from work out plans to eating habits and lifestyle changes in the hope that it may well work for you too - so watch this space.