Tuesday, 19 October 2010

And it's all for your own good

I'm pretty sure that it was Einstein who said (and I'm about to paraphrase) "it makes no sense to do the same thing over and over while expecting different results" and it's so true.

Life is challenging in that we're presented with the same "lessons" over and over until we learn that lesson. When we do, we're presented with a different lesson. One of the most important lessons for me is the realisation that we have absolutely no control over anyone but ourselves. It happens time and time again, we see a friend doing something that we know or feel will effect them negatively and (dependent on your personality) we tend to get angered at the fact that after seeking our advice, they go ahead and do it anyway. Our inability to correctly guide them leaves us feeling powerless.

That's just 1 example of the many lessons of life that we're presented with but there are so much more waiting for us.

For the longest time I saw these trials and tribulations of life as something that I hoped would eventually not be an issue but eventually realised that there is no escape. I also realised that they're not necessarily "trials and tribulations" but lessons that are presented to us by the universe. Regardless of the situation, some form of positivity can be taken from it if you look at it in the correct way.

It is very easy to play the victim and ask the heavens "why does this keep on happening to me!" However, failing to look internally and focusing on the external ensures that repetitive negativity will continue. For the most part, while we are able to influence the external, there is generally no way to guarantee its permanent change in state. This then leaves us with the internal. Namely, how we react to a situation and the choices we make as a result of a situation.

Looking at ourselves subjectively can be difficult but can also help in identifying the reasons for our reactions to situations. Something that has no effect on one, may have a deep emotional effect on another and there is usually a reason for that. Learning these reasons helps us to change our reactions or at the very least understand them and from there we can at least take solace in the fact that our new found knowledge leaves us feeling a little less lost in this great world and brings us a step further in our personal evolution.

As always, peace and love.
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

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