So, a friend or partner does something that you take objection to and/or find offensive and you find yourself in a situation which requires your forgiveness, understanding and acceptance.
Now, how you approach this is entirely on you but I tend to take the stance of letting that person know the negative impact they have had, discuss the situation, get everything out on the table and coming to some form of resolution.
Now, if I've just met you and you turn out to be what I would deem to be a "total douche bag" - not talking to you ever again? Not gonna be an issue. However, if we're closer, someone I consider a friend or have an intimate relationship with, I'll always make an effort to come to some form of resolution. I may make allowances for certain aspects of someone's personality in an effort to accept that person in their entirety but that is something that is entirely on me. A choice that is completely mine and no one else's.
Flipping the coin, the other party may have a different tolerance for the things they are willing to accept and the boundaries they set in a relationship. Your choices in past situations are never guaranteed to be reflective of their choices in the same situation. While they may "wrong" you in a particular way and in turn you forgive them - given the same situation or even what you may feel is a less offensive situation, their reaction may well be far different.
It is very easy to place blame for the inconvenience of them not thinking with the same patterns as you but that is not something that you can hold against them for they are do nothing but being who they are.
Be sure of the reasons you use to forgive (or condemn) someone and remember that given the same situation that their reaction may well be different. This is not something that you should allow to influence your decisions either way, but be mindful that people can only be who they are - our choice to accept them for that, is indeed, our choice.
Until the next post -
Peace, Love and Happiness to you all.
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange
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