A very good friend of mine who was mentioned a few posts back once said to me "You can create your own reality". Not realising what he meant, my first question was "What?!? So if I wanna fly I can then?" as I didn't understand what he meant. What eluded me then (but not now) is this. Each persons reality is different and the energy and beliefs that we have, contribute to the life that we lead. If you're always thinking with a negative frame of mind, invariably, negative things will happen. However, the opposite is also true.
A friend of mine stayed with me maybe a year back and had an awesome weekend (and of course they did - anytime spent with me always rocks!!! ;). She proceeds to tell me that because she's had such a great weekend - she's convinced that something negative will follow as that was the way her life works. Surely enough, within a week - something negative had happened. Now while I understand that this negative thing may well have been out of her control - I couldn't help but think that because she was looking out for it, it fulfilled her belief that following any positive situation is always a negative one. Had her mindset have been "Anything that happens externally is beyond my control" and focused on her reaction to a situation (which is under her control), maybe she would have seen it as just one of the many lessons of life.
We've all been there - a bad thing happens, followed by another, followed by another. Some smaller things happen which are also negative and before you know it - it's like you've been overloaded with crap! We tend to bundle smaller insignificant things in there too - adding to the list and "POW!" - we have a giant list of shit that needs sorting.
The way in which we view any situation is essentially - a choice. The actions of others can not be controlled by us but our actions and reactions are under our complete control and sometimes we tend to forget that.
Your life, views and reactions create a reality that is uniquely your own and we can change all 3 to create a better reality for ourselves.
Peace, Love and a Very Happy New Year to you all.
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