OK - So I go to Boots like 3 times a week and by the counter they got all these "Gossip" mags. Brad and Angelina's baby - Exclusive pics. Cheryl Tweedy...why I went back with Ashley. Jordan Price...why me and Pete are the perfect couple and my favourite spotted just today - Jade Goody, I have to stay strong for my boys.
Now when it comes to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie...they're both good actors and Angelina is super fit...but I personally couldn't give a shit about their personal lives unless they impact me. Don't get me wrong, it's always nice to find out something like "Oooh, he went to the same school as me" but other than that...who gives a shit?? I ain't being a hater and more power to the lot of em (with the exception of Jade...I'll get to her in a minute), they've used the system and peoples unhappiness with their own lives to make money. I just wonder why no one actually thinks about these minor points. It's not like most (MOST NOT ALL) of these people have made any major contributions to society or impacted the world in a great way for the advancement of humanity. So why do we care when one of them has kids, breaks up with someone or blows their nose?? Just makes you feel like the majority (with the D-Listers at least) of their income comes from telling any and everything about their personal lives to weekly mags for the drone like masses to consume.
What got me on to this?? Jade Goody. I gotta say, from day 1 that girl pissed me off and I dunno why. I think it's something to do with the fact that she's a f**king idiot...yeah - that's it. Don't get me wrong, I think her having cancer really blows and I would not wish that on anyone but COME ON PEOPLE - Cancer is not the cure for being a f**king idiot!! She was a retard before she got it - she's a retard now and is the perfect epitome of what I am talking about. She can't do anything interesting like juggle or pull a rabbit out of a hat, she has not written any dissertations on ways to improve humanity and in general has not made any REAL contributions to society. "Why I broke up with some random geezer" is NOT a contribution to society. "Me and my new boob job" is NOT a contribution to society. "Why am I such a f**king looser" while funny, is not a contribution to society. But many people would still rather read about some ignorant nobody than concentrate on the person that actually counts, themselves.
A reflection of societies down turn or just the way the media portrays "celebs" - decide for yourselves.