Thursday, 27 January 2011

Adversity is your friend

While the title of today's blog post can be classed as an oxymoron, thinking about it with the correct frame of mind makes perfect sense.

I've had (and am going through) some negative periods in my life and while in those situations I'm always eager for them to end as quickly as possible. Sleepless nights with my mind focused on constant negativity and repeatedly going over incidents that have led to this moment in an attempt to make sense of things.

For me, it's a case of constantly playing "mental catch-up". I say this because while my conscious self understands the reasoning behind everything that has happened and understands the motives behind the actions of the people around me - the fact still remains that another part of me (my unconscious maybe?) has a hard time agreeing with it all. That bit always takes more work and creating a relationship between the two, while a struggle, is getting easier.

The point is that it is easier than it was before. The time in which it takes for that other part of me to catch up and agree with what my "intellectual self" knows to be true becomes shorter with each bout of adversity. Each time I go through something that causes me to dig deep mentally, I'm able to do it with a bit more ease. The familiarity of overcoming adversity is like fight training for the mind. It helps to give a greater appreciation for the positivity that life has to offer and understand that each encounter with adversity, acts like a little bit of snake venom. Eventually you can see things for how/what they are, accept them and move on in a positive direction, taking away from it what we need and having a better understanding of ourselves as well as a greater ability to resolves issues in the future.

Peace and Love
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange


Unknown said...

Thank you mate,it made perfect sense to me.It's a process that no matter how much it hurts mentally/emotionally time is a great healer!

Unknown said...
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