Wednesday 9 January 2008

I'm off to live in China

Totally random I know, and it's not going to happen for a bit but I'm gonna be heading off to China for a few months. Basically - this is not so much a holiday as an adventure. I'm going to be staying at a Martial Arts Academy studying Praying Mantis Fist (Tanglang Quan) 5 days a week for a minimum of 2 months (3 depending on whether I can get sabbatical or not). Anyways, while I understand this seems entirely random, it's not totally that way. I've been wanting to visit China for a while anyway, that along with the fact that I'm very much getting into Martial Arts on a whole (thank you UFC!) and spiritual enlightenment - I think it's high time I start doing more about it. Still trying to figure out a date but I'm thinking July, just after my birthday. My overall plan (which still has me cringing to an extent) is, attempt to get a sabbatical from work for 2 months (not looking good so far). If that's cool then I got a job to come back to, if not...then I quit my job and go for 3 months instead. No Phones, Computers, Gadgets etc...just me and some other like minded people getting away from "Real Life" for a while.

So - no longer is it a case of having a list of things to do but having a list of things that have been done. Even went and spent a tasty wedge on a home gym today n all!!