Wednesday, 30 July 2008

2 for 2!

Passed my 2nd grading! Woo hoo! I tell you something...considering how much I was sweating...I should hope so too. Got home and was totally bushed...think I was actually asleep before my head hit the pillow! Anyways, I think....possibly...I may have another grading before this fight of mine in November.

Also, I hear that James Irvin has been snagged taking drugs - fool! I don't get it - they know there are tests all the why bother risking it??

Monday, 28 July 2008

The Shindig!

Pictures from my Birthday party/Housewarming. Enjoy :)
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Thursday, 17 July 2008

Marijuana - don't believe the negative hype!

OK, I mentioned few posts back I have my 1st MMA fight in November. I'm pretty sure whoever I'll be going up against will have some pretty decent ground work and being as mine is relatively non existent - I went and got me a copy of Eddie Bravo's book "Mastering the Rubber Guard".

Eddie Bravo is a few things in my opinion.
  1. A bad ass Jui Jitsu dude.
  2. A fucking revolutionary!
I ain't got to the bit about the moves yet, the foreword has set me off on a completely different tangent altogether. This dude is a stoner basically. Only unlike me and many of the worlds population this guy actually knows the truth about weed. I ain't talking that shit the government tells you about how it causes psychosis and that it's X times more carcinogenic than cigarettes. I'm talking the truth!! Think about it like this, the War on Iraq was "apparently" started because of all these alleged Weapons of Mass destruction needed to be removed before they were used against us (and ain't been seen yet!). A few hundred thousand pointless deaths later and where are they? "Woops...sorry...our mistake...but hey...we got oil!". If they can lie to us about something like that - they can certainly lie to us about the benefits of weed. Why? a few reasons. When it boils down to it and I'm going to paraphrase Chris Rock here:

The Government = a bunch of freaking drug dealers!!

If you're selling chocolate which is basically bad for you and some guy comes along and starts competing with you selling something far nicer but way healthier - are you gonna say "You know what...his stuff is actually nicer and healthier - go buy that."?? Hell no! You'll pimp your stuff as much as humanly possible and kick dust in the face of this other dude at every available opportunity. Same situation here but instead of Chocolate, it's Alcohol and Cigarettes. Lets do a little statistical comparison shall we?

More than 100,000 alcohol related deaths occur each year in the US alone. That's people drinking so much that their body gives up, fools who drink and drive and go killing innocent bystanders as well as the related violent incidents that occur.

In the UK there were 4,144 alcohol related deaths in 1991 which rose to 8,757 in 2006. Apparently, the possible reason for the doubled number of deaths is because of the increase in the population. WRONG! The population of the UK has not doubled in the space of 15 years!! So the validity of 4,000 people dying is questionable at best (more propaganda to dilute a situation that is messing up the country).

"Between mid-1991 and mid-2006 the population grew by an average annual rate of
0.4 per cent and the average growth per year since mid-2001 has been 0.5 per

Lets look at another source shall we. This article was written 8 years ago and suggests that the number of alcohol related deaths is closer to 33,000. Considering the drinking culture in this country and how it has snow balled over the years you can pretty much guarantee that figure has risen. So - let's be nice and split it and say 15,000 per year. 15,000 per year!! We ain't got the land mass of Africa!

440,000 people die per year in the US from toking that stuff! That's nearly half a million people in a year...gone! In the UK around 106,000 people die per year from smoking.

Now lets take a look at the so called "Evil" Marijuana.

Deaths in recorded history EVER: 0, Zero, Nish, Nuthin, Nada, Nil

So why is it illegal?? Simple version...the government wants you to use their drugs. Smoking messes with your respiratory system and is one of the primary causes of lung cancer on the planet. Chemicals are added to keep you hooked and you can buy cigarettes from pretty much any newspaper shop, supermarket and public house in the country. Alcohol abuse tears apart families (I know this from 1st hand experience), makes people act totally retarded and causes so many negative situations that I can't even be bothered to start listing them. This too is available from pretty much every off-licence, supermarket, restaurant, bar and public house on the planet, all with the blessing of the governments of the world. Marijuana is not worse than smoking cigarettes and there is no evidence to suggest that it increases the risk of lung disease. Compared to smoking cigarettes, Marijuana is far healthier and has a number of medicinal uses (which are used to this very day by the same governments that have banned it!).

Now I'm not going to say that there is no evidence to contradict what I am saying. Even research at Harvard has apparent evidence to the contrary. In this instance however I will merely quote Upton Sinclair.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on
his not understanding it."

The government has no problems with lying to you as a method of control - it has happened many times in the past, it will happen many more times in the future. Do the research, don't believe everything the government says and free your mind. Marijuana can be used as a conduit to change you state of mind for the better and Eddie Bravo's book is a testament to that. Joe Rogan himself says that his Comedy routines had flew of the chain due to his relationship with Mary Jane.

Eddie Bravo - I thank you for showing me the path. And to think I was gonna break up with Mary because of all the Government hype. If 1 person reads this and is enlightened by what I have written, my job here is done and I have every intention of fighting for "The Cause".

In the words of Eddie Bravo

Get Smart, Smoke Weed!

Some media that may help you:
- Magic Weed: The Truth About Cannabis
- Reefer Madness
- Jack Herer

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Rampage, Rampage, Rampage....

Dunno what's happening with Rampage Jackson doing an "OJ Simpson" n stuff. Dude must be well stressed...a damn shame. Anyways, he's been arrested!! Nothing too major from what I can tell and Dana White apparently flew out to post his 25k bail (5 quid says he was plenty pissed). Kinda sucks for the UFC and MMA in general though. Too many people out there have the view that it's "human cock fighting" and that all the fighters are a bunch of fools who just wanna the the street...wherever! (not the case), or people like my mom who have watched waay to many Jean Claude movies and visualise a bunch of business men in an underground arena chanting "KILL! KILL! KILL!" shortly followed by random weapons being thrown into the ring. It really does not help an amazing sport which is still largely under scrutiny and in it's infancy.

Either way, I hope whatever the dude is going through he comes out the other end OK.

You can view the article here.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

I Ain't that good looking!!

OK - So I'll meet a chic, she be cool. We get on - but then for some reason she convinces herself that I already have a girlfriend and nothing I can say will make them think otherwise.

Example Number 1.
I'm in a bar in Birmingham with my sis and a few of her friends. She's dancing...I'm chilling having a beer (minding my own business may I add). Some chic with probably the longest legs I have ever seen comes up and starts talking to me (she was a total babe). After a quick exchange she asks me "So, do you have a girlfriend". I didn't at the time so I say "No". "Yeah yeah..." "No REALLY" - "Whatever...see ya".

I'm sat there looking like 1 o'clock half struck with a "What the fuck" look slapped all over my Chevy Chase!

Example Number 2.
Meet this chic, she seems cool. Take her to this west indian place I got to all the time (loves my west indian food!). Soon as I walk in everyone is like "Hey Tim, how's you" - the owner comes up...we shake hands, have a chat. Her reaction? "So...any of these your ex-girlfriends then?" "Errr...nope". A few days later...take her to dinner, different place this time. We walk in and the first thing she says..."So you don't know anyone here on a 1st name basis then?" ", I don't come in here often enough". "Oh??" she says. "Yeah, me and my mate from Birmingham generally come in here". A few days goes by and I hear nothing from her. Then I get a text message "Came to see you last night for a chat but you weren't in. Hope you were somewhere nice". Now - could have been said innocently but I could totally see it being said with a bit of sarcasm. Plus, no message on my answerphone, no missed calls on my mobile either - so she didn't call or text 1st to say she was bouncing over (which if you've only known someone for like 2'd generally do). So my feeling is she was trying to catch me out or some shit.

Now while I know I'm not an Ogre...I can't be that good lucking for crying out loud!! I don't get it...either there's something about me that says "Play boy" or I'm just so unlucky that I keep going for these chics that have some SERIOUS trust issues!!!

Those are 2 examples....there are more but I can't be arsed to catalogue em all. Anyway...think this needs some figuring out...this is fucking with my flo people!!


Most people in the UK don't know that Joe Rogan is a comedian...they just think he's the dude from fear factor. Anyways - he freakin kills me!! This little clip of him giving some shit to a Heckler is sweet...don't fuck with the Rogan!!

Friday, 11 July 2008 to C#

So - being as pretty much 80% of .NET web development roles require the use of C# and I'm primarily a developer I've decided to get on the bandwagon and become a little more multi-lingual in programmatic terms. That's right...I'm learning C#! (Other coders who know me....well - it had to happen sometime init?!)

Now the upside to this is that it will make me a great deal more employable when hunting for a new job, the get into that repetitive situation where you're coding in 1 language...when you try and switch to one you're cool with (such as going back to from C#) you end up trying to code 1 language against the other platform! I totally remember this happening way back when I was learning Javascript. Started adding curly brackets to stuff when I moved back onto ASP (I'm talking classic ASP here so it was some time ago). I know this isn't going to last long but it still sucks a bit.

Anyways, for those developers who are wanting to learn C#. If you know your Javascript or Actionscript syntax then you're sweet. All there is to it is syntax when it boils down to it and having a grasp of the aforementioned will help you no end. Thankfully, the CLR dictates that all the methodologies are pretty much the same. Inheritance, instantiation, OOP methodologies are bang on how you'd do them in - and once you know the little quirks that'll trip you up in the beginning:
  • No more optional parameters for functions/sub routines
  • No real declaration for a Subs, Functions or property but more how you write it that defines what it is
  • You'll need to do a compilation every so often to find errors
  • You can't be slack. By this I mean, you need to be sure you keep your case sensitivity in does a whole bunch of automated corrections for you that you don't even notice - C# basically tells you - "That's wrong...try again".
But stick with it and within 2'll be blazing through no problem.
Anyways - a few sites that have helped me shed loads... to C# Converter
Great for the little snippets when you know what you want to do but can't quite get it right in C# to C# Comparison
Heaven send blessings to the dude who wrote this's helped me no end! Shows you all the basics of and their C# equivalents from object instantiation to data type declarations.

Anyways, figured I'd throw down my 2 cents and help anyone on the same path with what knowledge I have aquired thus far.

Happy Codin'!

Something to look forward too

Started training again this week. Things have been a bit slack on the training front since the move. Having to setup the multi-gym again was not as bad as I thought and took me all of 90 minutes this time round (instead of the 6 hours it took me when I 1st got it). I think that's mostly down to the fact that I managed to dismantle it into about 20 pieces as opposed to it's original 200! Anyways, Mondays MMA session was good, Thursdays was pure pain and I loved it...been running, lifting weights and doing drills. Did nish on Wednesday as that's my designated day off and from here up until Monday...will be nothing but resting and stuffing my fat face.

Apparently we may well have a little club on club competition - if so proper looking forward to it. Soon as a date is confirmed I'll be training like my life depended on it up until that point. I have no problems with losing to an opponent (although I have no intention of that happening), I do have problems losing to fear (and I have no intention of that happening either).

Also been told there is a distinct possibility that we'll be going up against Rosi Sexton's crew in November which I am really excited about. I've seen her on the Fight Network (Bodog fight) so there's a touch of Hero worship there too - not to mention the fact that she's bad ass! Saw her pull a very sweet arm bar on this Brazilian chic who was dressed all in pink (I ain't a fan of pink in any capacity - not as bad as green though). And if her homies are anything like her...I'll be training until I'm close to death and a little bit more until that point!! (I'll also try and score me an autograph!)

Oh yeah, that date on Saturday...went OK. I get the distinct impression she thinks I'm some kinda play boy so not too sure how far that's gonna go. Not much you can do about someone who has already made their mind up about you and I ain't about to start trying to prove that's not me. Nothing worse than being judged because you got a few nice garms and a cool pad. But such is life.

Anyways - 9 more days until my birthday...15 until the housewarming/birthday party. Still not told the neighbours yet...we'll see what they say I guess.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Birmingham Jazz Festival

Birmingham International Jazz Festival starts today. May pop down next weekend - check it out.

Multi touch blackberry! WOW!

So, browsing around and bump into this blog by a dude with what I must say is the best name on the planet (Tim McKnight). Anyways, nice little speal on multi touch devices and it would appear that blackberry are joining the band wagon (FINALLY!!). Out of every phone I've had, the blackberry is my fav without a doubt. It's got that weird bug where you need to take the battery out every few weeks or you wave good bye to your text/email messages. Other than's freaking awesome. Has all the functions I need and it doesn't suck (pretty much my criteria for a phone these days!).

Anyways, Tim has some nice blurbs so go check out his blog. Meanwhile - the Blackberry Thunder site (which is down right now) can be found here.

Up, Up, Awaaaaay!

So things are on the up for Timmy Boy. On the way home last night and bump into hot chic that I'm taking out this weekend (her name is Tisha). Took her for a quick drink which turned into a few which turned into something to eat. Next thing you know it was almost 11pm! Anyways, gotta say, very great chic. Gorgeous and Extremly funny and very genuine (she's alright too - Boom Boom!). Happy days - sooo looking forward to Saturday :)

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Panic Over

So, my new place has a great view of the canal from the balcony which as soon as I saw it made me think "Perfect for a smoke in the summer". Anyways, I ends up having a smoke a few days ago and I hear this voice "Hello...". Turns out its my neighbours from upstairs who just so happen to be the concierge and caretaker (they're married). Oooh, I also get the impression they're pretty tight with the land lady. "We can smell it...any chance you could go inside our grand-daughter is here". Oh the embarrasement. Now after seeing what happened to my last place, I've dubbed the new pad a "no smoking" flat, so if I wanna smoke - I pop out onto the balcony (very convenient when you're on the 3rd floor), just didn't realise my stash was so potent.

Either way...I start flapping "Oooh...they're gonna tell the land lady...I'm gonna get evicted and I barely been here a week!!". So yesterday I pops over to the concierges office after work to drop off some post for the previous tenants and she seems cool. I tell her "Yeah, erm.....sorry about last night...that won't happen again". "Oh it's fine! We're you smoking the other night too??", "Errr....yeah...", "OK, that explains it, cos we didn't know what it was, we ended up calling the gas board". I gotta say I laughed! Anyways, turns out their daughter only works for the fuzz and is a drugs youth worker. She was there when I was having a smoke and clocked on right away! Luckily though, they seem very cool with it - the dude was like "Do what you want n let live is what I say" - so I don't think they'll be ratting me out just yet. Just means I gotta go for a walk any time I wanna have a Joe. my life makes me laugh.

On a slightly less significant note...totally got a Prada shirt for 60 bones yesterday...BARGAIN! And I got some D&G shoes that were meant to be 235 but I managed to get em 50% off. The joys of end of season sales!!! GET IN!

Wednesday, 2 July 2008


You know what...I gotta say it gets to me when people start playing the victim. Woah is me and you did this to me and you made me feel this way and that and blah blah blah. You know what...bollocks!

So you're in a situation you no longer want to be in. Do you:

1. Stay in said situation to please other people
2. Do what's right for you and in the long term the other person and bounce

You go for option 1, you end up being grossly unhappy all to please someone else.
You go for option 2, you get a ton of grief about Karma coming to get you n all that shit.

Well this is what I think. Bollox to the lot of it. Do what's right for you - not for other people. The only person responsible for you being happy is you. Playing the victim and blaming someone else stops you from growing as a person and it's a totally negative way to live your life. This is from experience!

Unless there are children involved, you got to put yourself first in all things. Sounds selfish but think of it like this. If you don't seek out the things that make you happy and leave it to other'll be unhappy for a very long time. This is not to say that you should not consider other people. This is to say that you should do things because you want to do them, not because you expect something in return. Treat yourself as you would your best friend because loving yourself is the 1st step to truly loving someone else. Finally, don't feel guilty for doing what is right for you, because if you don't do it - no one else will.

Rant over...

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

I've moved!

Yeah, not bad in terms of timing. Oh the joys of renting...could have been quicker but I decided to go for the nicer apartment (see the screen shots from the previous post) which meant I had to wait until the 23rd to move in. All worked out perfectly though. Had enough time to order new furniture, get stuff packed up, notify all the companies of my new address etc and to top it all this hot chics number and taking her out on Saturday - Boo Ya!! Living the dream the dream!

Love the new pad, it's funky as hell. High ceilings, floor to ceiling windows in the living room, double doors that open onto a balcony which is bang on the canal. Lights in the hallway that turn on automatically, built in dishwasher (makes life so much easier) so yeah, happy as larry. And now that I've settled in, more general posts coming soon.