Wednesday, 2 July 2008


You know what...I gotta say it gets to me when people start playing the victim. Woah is me and you did this to me and you made me feel this way and that and blah blah blah. You know what...bollocks!

So you're in a situation you no longer want to be in. Do you:

1. Stay in said situation to please other people
2. Do what's right for you and in the long term the other person and bounce

You go for option 1, you end up being grossly unhappy all to please someone else.
You go for option 2, you get a ton of grief about Karma coming to get you n all that shit.

Well this is what I think. Bollox to the lot of it. Do what's right for you - not for other people. The only person responsible for you being happy is you. Playing the victim and blaming someone else stops you from growing as a person and it's a totally negative way to live your life. This is from experience!

Unless there are children involved, you got to put yourself first in all things. Sounds selfish but think of it like this. If you don't seek out the things that make you happy and leave it to other'll be unhappy for a very long time. This is not to say that you should not consider other people. This is to say that you should do things because you want to do them, not because you expect something in return. Treat yourself as you would your best friend because loving yourself is the 1st step to truly loving someone else. Finally, don't feel guilty for doing what is right for you, because if you don't do it - no one else will.

Rant over...