OK - So I'll meet a chic, she be cool. We get on - but then for some reason she convinces herself that I already have a girlfriend and nothing I can say will make them think otherwise.
Example Number 1.
I'm in a bar in Birmingham with my sis and a few of her friends. She's dancing...I'm chilling having a beer (minding my own business may I add). Some chic with probably the longest legs I have ever seen comes up and starts talking to me (she was a total babe). After a quick exchange she asks me "So, do you have a girlfriend". I didn't at the time so I say "No". "Yeah yeah..." "No REALLY" - "Whatever...see ya".
I'm sat there looking like 1 o'clock half struck with a "What the fuck" look slapped all over my Chevy Chase!
Example Number 2.
Meet this chic, she seems cool. Take her to this west indian place I got to all the time (loves my west indian food!). Soon as I walk in everyone is like "Hey Tim, how's you" - the owner comes up...we shake hands, have a chat. Her reaction? "So...any of these your ex-girlfriends then?" "Errr...nope". A few days later...take her to dinner, different place this time. We walk in and the first thing she says..."So you don't know anyone here on a 1st name basis then?" "Errr...no, I don't come in here often enough". "Oh??" she says. "Yeah, me and my mate from Birmingham generally come in here". A few days goes by and I hear nothing from her. Then I get a text message "Came to see you last night for a chat but you weren't in. Hope you were somewhere nice". Now - could have been said innocently but I could totally see it being said with a bit of sarcasm. Plus, no message on my answerphone, no missed calls on my mobile either - so she didn't call or text 1st to say she was bouncing over (which if you've only known someone for like 2 weeks...you'd generally do). So my feeling is she was trying to catch me out or some shit.
Now while I know I'm not an Ogre...I can't be that good lucking for crying out loud!! I don't get it...either there's something about me that says "Play boy" or I'm just so unlucky that I keep going for these chics that have some SERIOUS trust issues!!!
Those are 2 examples....there are more but I can't be arsed to catalogue em all. Anyway...think this needs some figuring out...this is fucking with my flo people!!