Yeah, not bad in terms of timing. Oh the joys of renting...could have been quicker but I decided to go for the nicer apartment (see the screen shots from the previous post) which meant I had to wait until the 23rd to move in. All worked out perfectly though. Had enough time to order new furniture, get stuff packed up, notify all the companies of my new address etc and to top it all this hot chics number and taking her out on Saturday - Boo Ya!! Living the dream the dream!
Love the new pad, it's funky as hell. High ceilings, floor to ceiling windows in the living room, double doors that open onto a balcony which is bang on the canal. Lights in the hallway that turn on automatically, built in dishwasher (makes life so much easier) so yeah, happy as larry. And now that I've settled in, more general posts coming soon.