Yeah, so Amsterdam was the bomb! 3 days of being damn near a vegetable but the relaxation was class and well needed! Only thing is, the way I feel now, a long weekend is not what was needed, more like a week! Going from coffee shops, outstanding food and traffic lights that show a countdown until the green light kicks in (I was like a cave man seeing fire for the 1st time) to back home in England and working (but thankfully not living) in Bradford, feels like a kick to the knackers. Not taking anything away from England cos if you go to the right places its a great place to be but being as I am a fan of the city delights (and I'm not talking about chics for sale), coupled with the fact that I just need a 'real break' right now, I think I would have been better off opting for the full week.
Anyways, I actually went to the Van Gogh museum this time round (wasn't actually my idea) but being as it was recommended by others as an apparent "life changing experience" I decided to go. Now I'm not totally lacking in culture and while I'll admit that it was kinda cool seeing the real life pic of the sunflower (my mom had a print when I was a kid), life changing experience? I don't f**king think so! Not putting it down (but I'm about to) and maybe the build up was way too much but either way, if you have not been and get dragged along, make a stop at a coffee shop before you go (trust me on this, its the equivelant of biting down on wood as someone chops your leg off. Barely makes a difference but it feels like it helps).
Anyways, off to wallow in self pity, farewell Holland, I will see you soon! *sniff* *sniff*