Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Mother Earth, She's your mom too!

So while rambling on last week about the state of our dear old planet that has been a haven for us for oh so many years, given us some excellent sites and hosted our short and parasitic little lives for us to pay her back by pretty much pimp slapping, desecrating and down right treating her like a 2 dollar whore I decided to not be one of those people that moans about things and does nothing myself to stop it. To take the initiative and help the old girl out! In doing so I stumbled upon The Big Green Switch. This is a cracking idea for a site which gives you hints and tips on how to slow down the inevitable destruction of this fine lady who we refer to as Planet Earth. Trust me when I say some of these things are so simple even a child could do it.

So instead of being the flat mate that always leaves the place in a mess expecting someone else to clean it up or 'That guy' who says to himself "I'm only one person - what difference can I make", visit the site and try a few of these things out. Remember - she's your mom too!