I must say that this freak weather worries me and it's happening more and more all over the planet. This year in the UK we've had the wettest Summer on record in lord knows how long and right now its 15 Degrees C outside and the sun it out! My opinion?? Mother Earth is pissed...we've raped her, disrespected her and down right treated her like a 3 dollar call girl and she ain't happy about it. I think Ursula Rucker said it best in the 4 Hero song Loveless...
"But I'll continue to spin,
until my curious home sapien
offspring pay the price for their sins
against my tainted tears, my breathless breath and once-fertile skins
My sons are million-murderers.
They kill - I kill one million plus.
I never wanted to hurt my children but our creator makes me take
It's the circle of life -or at least,it was.
But now it's the end.
No, no it's too late for repentance,
accept your death sentence.
I've given you all I can.
Such beauty and life
you'll never have again.
Now it's the end."
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