Friday, 9 November 2007

More gadgets! This time...HDTV (Part 4)

So my plans last night were, go home, eat and then start rearranging all my electronic kit in preperation for my new TV! That way, I wouldn't have to do anything apart from accept the delivery, plug it in and marvel until it was time to go to work! Did I do any of that? No! Spent most of the evening lounged infront of the TV with my Vaio on my lap coding the new company intranet (which looks freakin dope by the way!)

Anyways, after that email from eBuyer last night I figured no point in moving all my shit around if it don't arrive, just to have to move it all back again when I cancel my order due to the fact that they couldn't get the delivery time right. And what do you know, this morning at 7am on the nose it's the delivery man with my TV! Woo hoo! (nicely done eBuyer, you've acquired a punter for life) So I damn near put my back out moving this monstrosity that's been making my living room look ugly for the past 18 months and got the new set sorted out quick smart (I'm a geek remember! New toys must be played as soon as humanly possible)

It was a little sad really, I'm there making these sounds like a monk doing a ritual, place that bad boy on the TV deck and remove the protective covering..."haaaaaaaar!" this TV is sexy as shit! So I plug in my sky digibox to my new baby and wow! The picture looks shat to say the least! So now I gotta hook it up using something other than scart (I know I know, a school boy error!) and being as I can't find the hdmi cable that I'm sure came with my 360 I'm gonna have to score one of those too.

Anyways, so far the TV looks sexy and when I get a sexier picture coming out of it I'll be a great deal happier. No idea what cables I need to score that would suit all the different connections on all the different devices to get the best result but lucky for me, I work with some of the geekiest people imaginable (an up side to working in an IT department) so the mere mention of "what do you reckon" will no doubt get me a barrage of background information along with facts and figures that I don't need but more importantly, the info I do! So when I plug everything in using new cables I'll be able to finish off this 5 part review and you'll probably not hear from me for a few weeks while I pay hommage to my new gadget!
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