Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Does this happen in any other country?

So I'll be on the bus after a tough day at work and generally all I wanna do is read an interesting book, listen to my ipod or just look out of the window at the world going by. Now here is the bit that makes me wanna kick a kitten! Someone (more often than not school kids) will get on the bus and start playing music. Now I ain't talkin' about like the old days when it was a personal stereo that was a little too loud, no no no, I'm referring to those little bastards with mp3 capability on their mobile phones who insist on playing the shit full blast. Oh and does it end there? Of course not, these phones have speakers (the mother fucker who had that idea needs a severe beating!) so you can hear whatever music it is that these mobile DJ's choose to play from 500 yards away! Now if you're a teenager and have ever done this and had someone tell you "Do me a favour and turn that shit off!!" with a look that would damn near kill you on the spot - allow me to enlighten you as to why this request is phrased in such a way. Like me, these people would have been in this scenario many times before and started off by asking quite politely "Excuse me, would you mind turning that down" only to be met with evil looks and/or attitude. If this happens enough times it gets to the point where you use a boulder to kill an ant and quite frankly, like me, these people have had enough!

And do said teenagers confine this music playing to the many modes of public transport available? The hell they do! They've now taken to the streets, bumbling around town centres all over the country wearing the obligatory pair of Rockport shoes, Reebok classics or Nike Air Max with their white socks and track suit bottoms, not to mention the giant ear rings and scousers face lift (a method of pulling the hair back in a bun so tight as to give the recipient a face lift). I try my utmost best not to profile people based on appearance but you know what? That's how society made me! And to think that these 13/14 year olds will be running the country one day! These people who think it's cool to have kids at the tender old age of 14 will be taking care of you when your kids put you in a home to be forgotten until those hourly visits at Christmas and if you're lucky, New Year. They're the parents of your grandchildren who will say things highly inappropriate like "why does grandad smell like the cellar?" These kids that for some reason think it cool to "hang out" in and around McDonald's will eventually make decisions that will directly impact your life in many political, social and economical arena's.

Can someone please tell me, give me some reasoning or assurance that it is not just me who worries about this, that these bumbling fools who are meant to be "the future" and have no awareness of the traumatising effect caused merely by the fact that they are not thoughtful enough to invest in a pair of headphones are not the best this great country has to offer! If so at the very least give me the peace of mind to say that this behaviour is not confined to the shores of England and that there are others out there that share my pain!

There are so many things like this that piss me off, from the chics in the call centre that do nothing but moan about their colleagues (I understand the irony in that statement) to the kids that think Happy Slapping is something to be proud of. And while I'd love to write about those things right now I can't. Why I hear you ask?? Because there are not that many hours in the day!