OK, now while I'd usually be totally against blogging or even discussing this kind of thing in general I couldn't help but make an exception in this instance. Basically - when I go to Boots to grab my Meal Deal lunch, the way the ques are laid out you must walk past the usual girly gossip mags (Heat, Closer etc.) to get to the tills and I'll admit, I have a quick look at the covers to pass the time waiting in the que. Anyways - saw an article that looked a little weird which was Charlie Uchea being attacked (the bird from Big Brother with the dope bod). Anyways - decided to have a quick look to see what it was all about and ended up finding this video. Now keeping in mind that I'm currently at work so I can't hear the sound...but I gotta say...1st thing I did was laugh my ass off!! The neck brace is comedy at it's best...and having been subjected by an ex-g/friend to big brother (I stopped watching a few series back after it got STUPID) and listening to this woman speak (for some reason the way she talks is like nails on a chalk board to me). Either way...I ain't trying to get on at the lady and the fact she got a beat down ain't right (although the fact the other chic still had a lit ciggy hanging from her lip is class!)...but the video still looks funny as shit!
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