So we've had our first 'incident'. Took 'little miss' shopping earlier on and being as she has been so good I bought her a bratz doll (if your ten and female, these are the shit apparently). Took her to pizza hut for lunch where she ended up ordering more than she could eat, so I ordered her dessert to go. So we get back and the few glasses of wine I had with lunch have made me well sleepy. Luckily, short stuff is content to watch TV and play with her new bratz dolls. Before I go she asks if she can have her cake..."yeah...err no! Not until you've had dinner". So I wake up and go check on her and she's fine, no fires, no male strippers, no drugs all over the table. However I could not help but cake either. Just the box that the cake came in. As punishment, we're not baking anymore. She didn't seem too bothered but it was the only punishment I could think of on the spot that would equal the crime.
So my friends earlier comment of falling at the first hurdle (based on the fact that I refused to play 'dolls' with her) was apparently unfouded. This entire parenting business is pretty easy. Feed them, give them tools to amuse themselves and bribe them when things get difficult. I should write a book!
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