Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Heroes, Spooks and Barack Obama

So - as per this post - watched the 1st 3 episodes of Heroes Season 2 - actually quite good (spoiler to follow...) seems like Peter Petrelli's been workin' out (I'm sure the dude didn't look like that in series 1!!) although I'm a bit gutted that he decided not to open the box. What gives dude!! And it's a damn shame that they killed off George Takei (Sulu from star trek)but it would appear that it's out with one original star trek member and in with another as it turns out that Micah's grandmother is Nichelle Nicols (Uhura from star trek)- I so didn't see that coming. I reckon she's got a power!!! And what the hell is Sylar's problem...the damn fool!! Evil or not...find out where you is before you start killing peeps you idiot!! Also - I think that Heroes and Star Trek have a bit of a deal going being as the dude that plays Sylar is gonna be Spock in the next Star Trek Movie.

Anyways - enough about that. Spooks is back on tonight (if you're in America the show is called MI5 apparently) - it ain't 24 (or as good as) but it's the closest we got. Besides...as woop ass as 24 is...it's pretty much the same flavour each season - you'll have a mole, someone you expect to be evil that turns out to be good and vice versa with a touch of "What's gonna happen now" at the end of the series. Also...if I was in the "24 world"...I'd be wondering why all these dodgy goings on in my life always lasted for exactly 24 hours...not knocking the show cos I never miss an episode but comon guys!!!

Finally - was watching Panorama last night with the title being "Is America ready for a black president" and while I admire Barrack Obama for going for it - I think the poor guy is ahead of his time. We've come a long way in the past 50 years but he's always going to be looked at on the basis of his colour, not his skills as a politician. I also got to agree with Al Sharpton's comment with regards to Obama saying we're 90% of the way there. Soon as he said that I found myself screaming "Stay of the crack!" at the TV! This is not the case in most if not ANY country and this is certainly not the case in America. If we had come 90% of the way...he would have a better chance of becoming president and would NOT be judged by the colour of his skin but the content of his character. Colour just simply would not come into it and it's the big debate right now! Either way...I think it would be way cool to see a black president in my life time - but the dude better be working out cos you ain't gonna be able to do no speeches without bobbing and weaving them hill billy snipers!! And either way...I think almost anyone would be better than the dude they got in office right now! It always makes me twitchy when a man who is in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world can't even pronounce the word Nuclear!!! (please tell me I ain't the only one to have noticed that!)

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