Monday, 22 October 2007

Find a distant cousin with your DNA

So Ancestry have started a service by where you can send in a swab of your DNA in order to help find relatives. In principle this is an outstanding idea, however, this all seems a bit suspect considering the fact that one of the many ongoing debates in the UK right now is the privacy of biometric data. With the possibility of identity cards being mandatory for all UK citizens by 2010, recent moves toward combining European DNA databases and all current UK Issued passports containing biometric data, not to mention the fact that the UK is one of, if not THE most surveilled place on the planet, it would seem that things are slowly moving toward a big brother state without the masses realising.

They'll have a disclaimer and privacy policy saying that they won't share such information and blah blah blah, but I'm not about to believe that such agencies as MI5/MI6 and Special Branch can't get hold of that information if they "REALLY needed" to. And all this talk about it helping with terrorist threats, what a pile of shite. Unless you have some system by where anyone without an identity card is automatically recognised (and a system of that magnitude would cost billions to roll out), not to mention the fact that for those who had left their cards at home would feel harassed and threatened due to the constant requests for the card. Throw in the obvious discrimination issue (it would be safe to assume the establishment is more likely to ask non-whites to produce these cards on an ad-hoc basis) and if we mix in the fact that damn near all UK Communications are monitored, it makes me worry where things will be in 20 years. I'm not a criminal, the extent of my law breaking is taping something off the radio and a bit of littering every now and then but with that said, I still have every right to my privacy. It seems like a conspiracy theory right now - but a great many things sound unbelievable until they actually happen.

Anyways, just a thought....