experiences of being 10 years old but this presents the following problems.
1. Back then movies like 'The Goonies' and 'Superman 3' were the shit!
2. Based on past experiences with my nephew of the same age I fear she'd not be impressed by late 80's entertainment and as such it would be wasted on me alone, spending the hours reminiscing about my own childhood and making comments such as "back in my day there was non of this Shrek stuff...", which will only prove to her (and me) that I'm old and uncool! (would most probably cause some eye rolling too)
3. She's female...girls didn't do/act the same as boys did back then and I feel it safe to assume this is still the case.
3. Little Timmy (me) at age 10 was all of 18 years ago and I can barely remember a damn thing about it!
However, I think (or hope...I'm unsure of which yet) that I have a plan. Not only that...I have a backup plan!! My plan is, the cinema to watch that movie with the rat that can cook (even at 28 that looks kinda cool). And then off to a bowling Alley (if I can find one). That should eat up enough of one day and the following day I figured off to Liverpool to visit the slave museum. Teach her a little black history. Now, my worries with this initial plan are as follows.
1. I ain't sure I'll be able to find a bowling alley. I think the one that was there before was closed.
2. If the above turns out to be the case then I'm gonna have to come up with a plan of attack for the 2nd part of day 1.
3. While my recollections of my childhood at 10 years old are vague, one thing I do remember is that when I was off school, learning anything with the exception of how to play the latest video game was the furthest thing from my mind.
Which brings me swiftly onto plan B. I'm going to ask her what she wants to do. Now my worry with this is that she'll come up with something outrageous and ridiculous, this being the case...there is no plan B!
Now I realise that it would appear I am looking at this opportunity to bond with my little cousin in a negative way, which I will admit is true to an extent. But this negativity derives only from my worry that she'll be bored and will want to go home as swiftly as she arrived! Regardless of which, I realise that in life there are no problems merely challenges and situations and I have every intention of rising to this challenge!
More on this later...