Thursday, 25 October 2007

Entertaining a 10 year old (Part 2)

...currently sat at Leicester train station. Today of all days they're having a strike so the journey home that should have taken no more than 3 hours is now set to take 5 hours! There was no mention of this on the website of grabbing bastards they are and the train is not for another 30 minutes! I just don't get it. I've been in jobs that I didn't like and do you know what I did about it? Yes...that's right...I got another job! Anyway, thinking about it...they did mention "disruptions to the service" as I was travelling down but the mention of a where to be seen!

Meanwhile, the little one is sat reading a magazine. When helping her choose she asked "Where are all the girly mags" to which I replied "Cosmo's right there! You got Bliss, the enquirer...take your pick babes". I was met by a comment that made me giggle and cringe at the same time..."I'm 10!". I dunno! Thankfully, the nice lady at the counter (after laughing at my blatant naivety) pointed us in the direction of suitable magazines and a selection was made. Praise lord
for the kindness of strangers!

Regardless of this entire debacle...she seems content to read her mag and I think 'short stuff' (inaccurate for a nick name as she's tall for her age) is looking at this as an adventure more than anything else. Let's see if this lasts!