Found a site called Fuser - released a few days ago. Basically consolidates all of your email accounts into 1 manageable monthly payment...erm...sorry - touch of cross over there. But yeah...looks alright - they seem to like Java in them parts though. Only problem is - I was kinda looking to "cheat the system" at work. Not like I'm on all days browsing the internet and emailin' my homies - but it would be cool to be able to access my hotmail, gmail etc without being blocked by the company filter. Only thing is - from what I can tell - they're letting the client connect to Hotmail when you add the account as opposed to the server doing it - so I think it's a case of - if you're blocked from viewing hotmail where you are - this won't help :( Still looks nice though.
iPod Touch
One of the guys came in today with his brand spanking new iPod Touch which pisses me off. In fact - that don't piss me off...what pisses me off is the fact that I spend 250 bones on a 30 GB ipod - for apple to re-release the latest version where the smallest size available is 80gb and for the same price I paid for mine!!! anyways - bitching aside - this thing is sweet! They've basically taken the iPhone and:
- Added a smaller/thinner case
- Removed the proximity detection (that cool thing that makes the phone fade to black when you put it near your ear)
- Left in ambient light detection (checks the ambient lighting and changes the contrast of your iPOD screen to suit)
- Left in the accelerometer (detects when you change your view from portrait to landscape and vice versa and changes the display to suit)
- Removed Messaging and Phone calls
- Removed some other crap (that you probably wouldn't use anyway).
Oooh - CNET have done a nifty review on it n all.
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