Monday, 15 October 2007

Randy Couture Quits the UFC

They've called it a retirement but it's actually a resignation. Probably the best damn fighter in the UFC and my hero, Randy "The Natural" Couture has handed in his resignation as of 11th October '07 and I got to say I am gutted!! Apparently - he's not being paid enough (and possibly some other issues) and while I'd usually say "Stop your whining" I think I can understand the dudes point. If you've been around for ages - worked your way up - slaved your guts out to become world champ, only to see newly signed fighters getting paid more coin while having not proved themselves in the UFC, I'd be pissed too (and while they may have proved themselves in other MMA organisations - the fact still remains that you gotta take care of the people that helped you get to the top). Anyways - the guys at the UFC are calling it a "retirement", however it would appear from reading pretty much every other article on the net that's it's blatantly a resignation. From the Articles I've read, Dana White is playing it off like Randy's some freakin' idiot and other people are putting ideas in his head, namely his agent who was apparently "Bitch Slapped" by Dana. But I must agree with what has been said by Randy...

"Disrespecting my agent Matt is insulting to me because it says I'm not
intelligent enough to make a decision on my own or surround myself with quality
people. It's all about respect, something they've never given me or anyone
representing me."

Taken from The Fight Network

When it comes down to it - you gotta do what's best for you and you can not continually take advantage of any one's good nature without expecting some form of repercussions at some point. Respect works both ways in any situation and while I think it's a damn shame that he's handed in his resignation - I got to admit that I would have done the exact same thing.

More information on this as well as links to other sources regarding this incident can be found on Randy Coutures web site.

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